Soilpunk 🌏🤘 - technical rider


technical rider

In these slides we'll guide you through installing, setting-up and uploading the HTML files to the ESP32 modules. We've already uploaded the correct firmware on the modules, so we're focussing just on getting the HTML on there.

This document is viewable as a webpage or as a slideshow

We'd suggest you set up one or two computers this way before the workshop, so that the participants can focus on the storytelling aspects of the workshop.

We will following these steps:

  1. Downloading and installing the Arduino IDE
  2. Installing support the ESP32 boards in the Arduino IDE.
  3. Installing a driver for the ESP32 boards.
  4. Installing a plugin to upload the HTML to the board
  5. And lastly we upload the HTML to the board

Download the Arduino IDE

Download the Arduino IDE

Install the Arduino IDE

Add ESP32 boards

An image of the ESP32 dev board

To create the Wifi hotspots we use ESP32 development boards. The Arduino IDE does not support these by default, so we have to add them to the IDE.

Adding ESP32 boards to the Arduino IDE's board list.

Open the Arduino Preferences under Edit > Preferences (Linux and Windows), or Arduino > Preferences (Mac).

Copy and paste the following into 'Additional Boards Manager URLs' and click 'Ok'.

Launch the Board Manager

Search for ESP32

And click "Install"

If everything went well, you should now see an option to select "ESP32 dev module" in the menu under Tools > Boards.

Selecting the ESP32 board in the Arduino IDE.

Select it, by clicking on it. All the other settings that appear should be correct by default.

Install the ESP32 driver

On most systems the ESP module needs a USB driver to be able to communicate with your computer. (chip name: SiliconLabs CP2012).

  1. On Linux
  2. On Windows
  3. On On MacOs

Linux driver

Linux 3.x.x & 4.x.x

Linux 2.6.x

Restart your computer.

[continue to Checking your driver →→→ ]

Windows driver

Restart your computer.

[continue to Checking your driver →→→ ]

Mac driver

Download the driver: Silabs USB communication chip driver download

For very old versions of MacOS (Yosemite/10.10.x) a legacy driver must be installed, instead normal one. Download Legacy SiLabs driver

Doubleclick "Install CP210x VCP" to install it.

When it gives a security message, follow the instructions to allow the install to continue.

Restart your computer.

Gatekeeper (MacOS)

After restarting, make sure GateKeeper does not interfere with driver loading.

  • System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General

Gatekeeper (MacOS)

If there is an error message in the red box area, GateKeeper is interrupting the driver's operation. If this is the case, click 'Allow' and confirm with administrator password, then restart your computer.

Check driver

After starting the Arduino IDE, make sure it can communicate with the ESP32 module

If communication is possible, there should be a new entry in the port list as shown in the picture below. On MacOS it will be called something like /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART, on Windows it will be COMx (where x is a number), and on Linux it will probably call /dev/tty_something.

Install SPIFFS plugin

The content of the small webpage we will put on the wifi modules is stored separately from the running code that takes care of publishing it. Therefore, it goes through a separate process from the usual Arduino IDE code upload process. To do this, you need to install a separate extension plug-in.

Download and install the ESP32FS plug-in

Then create a folder called:

Screenshot of finder window open at Arduino, showing subfolders Tools

Copy unpacked ESP32FS into the subfolder tools

Screenshot of finder window open at tools with subfolder ESP32FS

Be mindful with the construction of the folders. It should be installed as shown in the following figure. (Note also that the folder name is ESP32FS!)

Screenshot of finder wiindow open at tools, showing filepath - ESP32FS - tool - esp32fs.jar

The final structure should be something like:


After restarting the Arduino IDE, verify that the plug-in installation was successful. If successful, you will see a menu called ESP32 Sketch Data Upload added.

Screenshot of Arduino window with menu open at - Tools - ESP32 Sketch Data Upload

Make sure you have the WifiZineThrowie sketch open. When you click the ESP32 Sketch Data Upload menu option, it will move all the files in the /data folder to the ESP32 module's web page store.